QHSE Policy

It is our vision to maintain sustainable business growth through continuous market development, innovation and customer retention while creating long-term value for stakeholders, customers, suppliers, and employees – It illustrates the very nerve of our Company.

We are certified


We are certified

ISO 9001:2015

(Quality Management System)

ISO 14001:2015

(Environmental Management System)

ISO 45001:2018

(occupational Health & Safety Management System)

Quality management principles that Sygma management identified to lead the organization toward improved performance.

ISO 9001:2015 provides a framework for a well-organized quality management system, based on principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement.

We – SYGMA, restructure our quality management system in line with the business line & objectives, complying with ISO standards, not the way around. Implementation of quality management is an additional requirement used to organize our operation and to increase the level of confidence of our customers.

The founding principle of our business and its purpose is to reflect and outline our vision and values and to function as a script to affect the attitudes and the culture within our company.

It is our duty and dedication to contribute to a sustainable future for nature and the people depending on it.

To achieve sustainability Sygma strive for all activities and products to have the least possible negative effect on the environment (HSE POLICY) through the following:

  • Ensure 100 % compliance with current requirements and regulations
  • Aim to utilize environment friendly products
  • Take gradual and measurable steps towards optimization of Processes & Operations

A safe, healthy and accident-free workplace for all is our objective. The people in Sygma are our most important resource, and our focus on Health and Safety comes as a natural part of our daily work.

In Sygma, we strive to maintain high safety standards by eliminating hazards and any risks that may arise. We have always focused on drafting and implementing programs that promote health and safety, imparting training based on best practices, and ensuring continuous dialogue with employees and the extended stakeholders of the organization. We have implemented ISO 45001 OH&S Management Systems to institutionalize safe and healthy work practices across the organization.