Leak Detection Services

Leak detection is a  process that identifies any defects that causes leaks and  will adversely affect the integrity of a component or process system.

All leaks need to be identified and repaired prior to commissioning of a process system or prior to putting the system back into operation after a shutdown.

Leak testing is of process systems must be carried out for the following reasons prior to introducing Hydrocarbons.

  • To ensure that the process system’s start up can be planned.
  • To prevent costly lost production time due to unplanned shut downs.
  • To ensure that all leaks are detected and repaired under controlled conditions.
  • To ensure that the health of personnel is not adversely affected by the escape of hazardous or poisonous gasses
  • To ensure the safe operation of the customers equipment
  • To ensure that the environment is not contaminated or polluted

Leak Detection Methods

  • Hydrotesting with water or process fluids
  • Soapy bubble leak testing with Compressed air or Nitrogen
  • Nitrogen-Helium leak detection- Test medium consisting of 99% Nitrogen and 1% Helium gas

Why Helium Leak Detection

  • Proven to be the best method for detecting hazardous hydrocarbon leaks before start up and operation.
  • Accurate method of locating the leaks and quantifying system leaks in standard cubic feet per year (SCFY)
  • Helium leak detection process can identify leaks as low as 0.1 scf of gas per year.
  • If 100% Helium is used as the test medium, leak rates of 0.001 scf per year can be detected.
  • The acceptable leak rate for the system is determined by the end client.

Combined Solutions

SYGMA offers combined Bolt tightening, Leak detection and flange management solutions cost effectively by deploying multi-disciplinary personnel