Maintenance & Inspection Services

Hydrocarbon Freeing

It is important that the Hydrocarbons in a pipeline or process system are removed and the pipeline is rendered in an inert condition prior to any maintenance works, product change or de-commissioning.

Method for Hydrocarbon freeing depends on the properties of hydrocarbon to be removed (I.e. Oil, gas, viscosity, sour, sweet etc)

SYGMA offers Customised Solutions as below for Hydrocarbon freeing

  • Nitrogen Purging
  • Flushing
  • Scraper assisted De oiling/De gassing
  • Gel Pigging and Liquid Gel solutions for non piggable pipelines
  • Surfactant cleaning

Black Powder Removal

Black powder is a mixture of fine particles found in gas pipelines. main source of black powder in pipelines is the corrosion caused by wet gas, however Composition of black powder generally include corrosion products, iron sulphide, scales, sand, clay, salt etc..

Black powder accumulation reduces the flow area in pipelines and can choke filters and pipelines, due to its abrasive nature; black powder can cause damage to compressors and process equipment.

There several methods available for black powder removal as below.

  • Progressive pigging with a series of foam, batch and brush pigs.
  • Gel pigging
  • Cleaning with debris pickup gels
  • Surfactant cleaning

SYGMA engineers analyse the black powder properties, size & length of pipelines, potential deposits etc… in order to develop the right solution.

Corrosion Inhibition

Pipelines internal tend to corrode due to the corrosive materials contained within the commodity being transported, such contaminants causing corrosion include water, Hydrogen Sulphide, Carbon Dioxide, salts etc..  there several methods available to control corrosion of pipeline such as cathodic protection, coating, controlled dozing of inhibitors, periodic batch inhibition pigging etc..

SYGMA offers periodic batch inhibition pigging with corrosion inhibitors, the chemicals can either be injected into the product stream or can be mixed with diesel. batch inhibition pig train consists of specially designed batch pigs and applicator pigs that allows a fine coating of chemical over the pipe surface. Batch corrosion inhibition run is usually preceded by a cleaning pig train consisting of brush and batch pigs.

The interval between the corrosion inhibition pig runs would vary depending on how quickly corrosion appears in the pipeline  after each campaign.

Scale Removal

Main reason for scaling in oil and gas pipelines is the mineral based Carbonates, sulphates, oxides and hydroxides etc.. present in the produced water. these gets deposited over pipe surfaces resulting reduced production or complete blockage of pipelines.

Cleaning of scales include chemical treatment, mechanical cleaning or a combination of both.

Engineers at SYGMA will analyse the composition and properties of scales and pipeline parameters before proposing a tailor made solution.

Asphaltene and Paraffine Removal

Asphaltenes and paraffins get deposited in pipelines due to several complex reasons such as changes in pressure, temperature, composition, slow flow rate of oil ,rough pipeline internal surfaces that retains paraffins or asphaltenes etc..

Remediation methods include solvent cleaning, hot fluid treatments, Progressive pigging with specially designed pigs for wax removal etc..

SYGMA engineers will analyse composition or wax and pipeline parameters and flow characteristics  before proposing a custom made solution.

Integrity Assessment

It is of prime importance that integrity of hydrocarbon transportation pipelines are assessed prior to commissioning and at specific intervals during operation. Intelligent inspection tools are propelled from one end of the pipeline to the other to complete the inspection. Inspection runs can be carried out while the pipeline is operational or offline.

SYGMA offers pipeline inspection services such as Caliper survey, MFL Inspection and UT inspection through our strategic partners.