Caliper Survey

Caliper-Tool is an intelligent inspection system which serves to measure diameter reductions in pipelines – such as dents, ovalities, girth welds, and wall thickness changes – and to detect T-pieces, valves, and other installations. The basic body is the central mechanical element of the Caliper-Tool. All other components are fixed to the basic body.

The cup sleeves fill the cross section of the pipeline and enable the Caliper-Tool to be transported through the pipeline by the medium. The spider measures the inner pipeline diameter at every pipeline position. In addition to the measuring data from the spider, the distance data generated by odometer wheels is continuously acquired and stored together with the individual diameter values.

The internal locator unit transmits electromagnetic signals, which allows the Caliper-Tool to be located by an external inspection tool locator. Our tool works during the normal operation of a pipeline and is propelled through the line by compressed air / nitrogen gas / product of pipeline.