Drying (Air / Vacuum)

Drying of pipeline is one of the critical activity to avoid formation of hydrate or corrosion. Hydrocarbon gas hydrate build-up in gas pipelines narrows the pipe profile and can cause as considerable loss of efficiency due to increased friction load. Conditions which cause formation of hydrates in gas pipelines exist mainly during or immediately after commissioning of new lines which have been hydrostatically tested. This is due to residual free water or moisture remaining in the line as a film 0.1-0.5 mm thick, after normal dewatering with or without single pig run. SYGMA used various methodologies for drying of pipeline such as drying with super dry air / nitrogen gas. Pig assisted drying is considered as the final cleaning works of the system. The advantages of super dry air process are low dew point, corrosion protection and economical, safe, non-hazardous cleaning action.

Pipelines that have been dried, planned to put into operation after a while and left packed with dry air, will protect the pipeline against corrosion. Although, it is a known fact that corrosion is slowed considerably or even halted at dew point below -10⁰C at atmospheric pressure, SYGMA recommend purging the system with inert gas possibly right after drying works.