Steam Blowing

Steam blowing

The purpose of steam blowing is to clean the steam passages (steam generation package and pipeline) prior to the starting up of a new unit, and to remove any loose foreign materials, scales and oily materials remaining in the system after installation is completed. This is to ensure the production and supply of clean steam for consumers, avoiding any damage that may happen due to the presence of these loose foreign material.

SYGMA utilizes a continuous, high-velocity, low-noise, and low-pressure steam blow process that provides the greatest cleaning effectiveness in the shortest possible time. The low noise system minimizes disruption to ongoing work activities. Our system provides easy set-up and removal, with complete drawings and procedures, prior to our arrival on site. The low noise Steam Blow cleans steam path components through a continuous, high velocity, low noise process. The process cleans faster by providing greater cleaning force ratios and high steam velocities thereby reducing cleaning time.

The two most common methods of steam blowing are:

  1. Discontinuous (shock or pop) steam blowing
  2. Continuous steam blowing

The continuous steam blowing has several advantages over the discontinuous steam blowing. These advantages are not only limited to the possibility of achieving the K-factor for a longer period of time, but also the system load is within the design parameters and the noise level is limited through water injection to below <90dB.